If the Government can propose to effectively legalise cannabis, which has been shown to cause paranoia, schizophrenia, social dysfunction and many other problems, why are they not decriminalizating naturism which has been shown to have many mental health positives, improvements in immune function, reduction in type 2 diabetes and many other advantages? Cannabis use is antisocial, has detrimental health effects on innocent bystanders and can lead to more serious drug abuse. Nudity is totally harmless, natural and healthy. Makes no sense.
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Totally agree, and while joining others, we might meet persons sharing our interest as well . .
Now for part 2. Let’s look at networking. By networking with other minority-based action groups like ourselves who are trying to get our rights. Imagine this. We have let’s say 48 members. We go to another group and ask their administrators if they would like 40ish more new members ! If we can Introduce ourselves when we join as members of Malta’s naturist federation and we are here to join the fight.! Then we will be grouping together with other groups fighting for their rights, and also advertise our cause and group. We could also get lots more members as well by spreading the word.
Let’s take this conversation to whole new level! 😊 I live with chronic pain and was on morphine, oxynorm, oxyContin, tramadol and a few other medications and experienced almost all of what you mentioned plus many more severe side effects. Now the doctor has put me on medical Cannabis and it has drastically improved the quality of my life and I have stoped all those really horrible medications. Has actually made me social, as I hated to go out before because people thought I was on drugs (which I was but it was medication) and this made me antisocial and depressed. So from experience during this trial of the new medication (it’s a natural plant based medication!) I have gotten away from all of the severe hard medications and my life has improved! (This part 1/2)